3 deadly ingredients lurking in your pantry.

Grab your Ultimate Pantry Guide to learn what foods are making you sick and MUST go, and what to replace them with, plus a few of my favorite recipes to get you started!

*when you sign up we will be sending you monthly emails with additional free content

Hi, I'm Kim! (aka Auntie Kimmy and most recently Gramma)

Honorary Auntie to all the bonus kiddos in my life, and I’ll be your honorary momma too.

I learned that raising a family is a journey that requires constant learning and adapting.  With each new thing I discovered, I realized how much more there was to learn. 

In this world of digital, disposable, instant everything it can be very difficult to find wholesome, hands-on, down-to-earth homemaking information. Not to mention the internet full of ‘experts’ that make it nearly impossible to tell the difference between a beneficial home remedy and a crazy old wives' tale.

If you’re like me, trying to provide safe and healthy choices for your family then you’ve also experienced the barrage of new labeling, reformulations, and confusing advertisements. I’ve been there – reading all the labels of words so long I couldn’t begin to pronounce them much less know what they were, or if they were safe!

I was blessed to link arms with a community of mommas eager to learn and work together to find the best solutions for our families’. Now I am excited to lead the next generation back to the basics so we can preserve our heritageour health, and our happiness.

Let's get started, together we can do this!

I'm here to help you take the next step on your journey to a happier, healthier you. 

Here’s How I Can Support You:

With years of experience caring for my husband, my home, children of all ages, our pets, and farm animals, I'm ready to meet you where you're at and help you take the next step on your journey to a happier, healthier home.

Get Your Freebie

Grab your Ultimate Pantry Guide to learn what deadly things may be lurking in your cupboards, what to replace them with, plus a few of my favorite recipes to get you started! 

Free Consult

Schedule your Free 15-minute Consultation.
From baby steps to fast-tracking, we'll get you headed in the right direction.

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Find the pure, potent products that help me keep my home, garden, family, and critters healthy and happy.

The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living

Are you ready to “go the natural route” but have no clue where to start? This easy-to-follow guide will walk you through some basic steps to help you begin your journey. 

You’ll find out what products need to hit the road and which ones can stay. Plus you’ll get the 4-1-1 on essential oils and find out what to look for in personal care products, cleaning products, and supplements.

The Beginner's Guide to Natural Living is the perfect way to get you started

Check Out What People are Saying...

My family and I have known Kim and her family for many years, and we have shared many adventures.  One such adventure was learning how to eat more healthy and “old-fashioned”, as well as getting harsh chemicals out of our lives.  We even milked cows and gardened together.. While we no longer milk any cows, we still garden and preserve our harvests as a team. 

She is the one who introduced me to Young Living, which was a game-changer in so many ways! No more does my family rely on products that have nasty side effects in our daily lives, but we also use Young Living products and essential oils in our garden, while preserving, and in our cooking.   Believe me, foods, as God intended, are so good!

- Cheryl

With Kim’s guidance and hospitality, my children and I had the opportunity to have hands-on experience planting a garden from seeds to harvest and storage. When asked, my children say they learned about how to plant seeds, transplant seedlings and more mature plants, weed, and how to pick the produce. One of their favorite parts was snacking on the produce that they helped grow! Water breaks were another favorite and we all need water. 

On top of what my kids learned, I also learned a bit about garden planning and set-up, adding nutrition to the soil, increasing yields, pruning, and post-harvest storage of produce. Kim showed us how to incorporate YL essential oils for the prevention and treatment of issues with pests and diseases that tend to arise in a garden environment; helping keep the garden natural and healthy all the way around.

- Rachel

I had the pleasure to be taken under her wing this past summer. During full harvest. So, I was thrown headfirst in deep water in food prep, preserving, harvesting, garden tending (saving from blight and such). Kim made it super easy for me to follow along and showed me how best to maximize food production while keeping it bare and optimally healthy and organic.

During that time, she also showed me ways to make homemade cleaners, laundry soap, dishwasher soap, etc. Stuff that is super affordable and safe for my kiddos and my pets. The respect she has for people in her life and her environment is inspiring. Always mindful of potential risks, searching for better solutions while being cost-conscious.
- Basia

Don't miss the 3 Ingredients you absolutely must get out of your pantry!

Grab the Ultimate Pantry Guide to discover what to ditch, what to use instead, AND a few of my favorite recipes to get you started!

*when you sign up we will be sending you monthly emails with additional free content

Here Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

This powerhouse combination will make your garden pests flee, bring in the pollinators, and improve your harvest.  After a day in the garden, you're going to love them too!

This Kit has everything you need to jumpstart your clean living journey, and the value is unbeatable! . 
It's what I started with - only NEW and IMPROVED.


I use this cleaner for EVERYTHING,  my house, barn, even the cows and the chicken coop.  Zero harsh ingredients. Cleans great - smells amazing!

This kit is the perfect combination to give you the energy, mental clarity, and digestive support you need as you begin your journey back to the basics and cleaner eating.

Welcome to the homestead

Come on over and hang out with us. We love talking all things natural - from gardening to house cleaning, from baby care to food prep, we're always learning and sharing our favorite tips and tricks. You're sure to find your new favorite recipes, DIY ideas, gardening breakthroughs, and great new friends.

Let’s Connect on the ’Gram


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